Current accounts for your business at Inecobank

Current accounts for your business

Entrust your corporate accounts to Inecobank. We always support small and medium-sized enterprises as well as large organizations and offer the best business banking opportunities customized to your business.

Customer group

֏ $ € ₽

Legal entity/sole proprietor/notary

Account currency
֏ $ € ₽
One time account opening fee 

  • 5 000 AMD
  • Non-resident legal entities / legal entities with non-resident participants and self-employed individuals with foreign citizenship: 50 000 AMD 

Monthly account service fee
AMD 500 
Monthly package service fee
AMD 3 000 
Minimum account balance
  • 0 AMD
  • For non-resident legal entities / legal entities with non-resident participants and self-employed individuals with foreign citizenship: AMD 100 000 

Cash deposit onto accounts
  • AMD, USD, EURO  

      - free of charge*
  • RUB- The tariff for loan repayment is 0 AMD, for other cases 2 %
Cash withdrawal from the account*  
  • AMD: 0․2%, but not less than 500 AMD
  • USD: 1%, but not less than 2 000 AMD
  • EUR: 1%, but not less than 2 000 AMD
  • RUB: 0.5%, but not less than 2 000 AMD

The terms do not apply in the following cases: 

  • In case of cash withdrawal of funds deposited during the previous calendar year (except for card accounts), if the amount is cashed out in the currency in which it was deposited
  • In case of withdrawal of income received through POS terminals and InecoPay system
  • In case of deposit/bond amount refund after the expiration of the deposit/bond agreement/application, if the deposit agreement term is more than 3 months, or if the period from the date of concluding the deposit agreement to the early termination of the agreement is not less than 3 months.
  • In cases provided for by the terms of other services provided by the Bank

Account closure

Free of charge
Minimum account balance
  • N/A
  • For non-resident legal entities/legal entities without a non-resident participant and for sole proprietors with foreign citizenship: 100 000 AMD
Annual simple interest rate calculated on an average daily account balance
Intrabank/Interbank transfers (AMD)
AMD 500 for each transfer

Interbank transfers with paper/written payment order (BEN), except for RUB
AMD 5 000

Interbank transfers with paper/written payment order (OUR)

  • RUB։ 0.1%; min 5 000 AMD, max 40 000 AMD
  • USD։ 0.15%; , min 15 000 AMD, max 60 000 AMD
  • EUR and other currencies։ 0.15%, min 9 000 AMD, max 60 000 AMD
“Urgent” interbank transfers with paper/written payment order (within the same operational day)
  • AMD: 2 000 AMD one-time additional fee
  • Foreign currency:  5 000 AMD one-time additional fee
Payment orders received through distance banking system

A tariff 20% lower against tariffs of payment order submitted on a paper document (including for Guaranted OUR, BEN and «Urgent» transfers)

Submission of a request for payment order execution, change or cancellation of terms
  • AMD: 1500 AMD
  • RUB: 6 000 AMD
  • USD, EUR and other currencies - 30 000 AMD
Additional account service fee to join the InecoOnline system 

  • monthly fee: AMD 2 000 

  • Free of charge: view mode only
Account service with direct-debit

Free of charge

Updated as of 10.05.2024 15:44