Gold Secured Loans
Apply for gold secured loans in Inecobank’s branches within several minutes by choosing the most convenient option that takes into consideration your financial needs.
The maximum loan amount is determined based on the client's credit risk assessment
- Differentiated repayment: 12 months
- Annuity: 24, 36, 48, 60 months
Annual nominal interest rate
- 14%: for 12 months term, non-equal portion loan repayment schedule
- 14%: for 24 and 36 months term, equal portion loan repayment schedule
- 15%: for 48 and 60 months, equal portion loan repayment schedule
- 14.93%: for 12 months term, non-equal portion loan repayment schedule
- 14.93%: for 24 and 36 months term, equal portion loan repayment schedule
- 16.08%: for 48 and 60 months, equal portion loan repayment schedule
ATTENTION: Loan interest rate is calculated based on the nominal interest rate, whereas the annual percentage rate indicates how much the loan would cost in case of repayment of interest amount and other payments under the defined timeline and terms. For more information please refer to the "Annual Interest Rate Calculation Guide
Maximum LTV ratio
150%** depending on the customer's credit risk assessment
**In case of new loans with non-equal repayment schedule, if the LTV ratio is more than 95%, the amount exceeding 95% shall be provided on the following terms
Loan term: the new loan term
Repayment: monthly interest and principal payment
Additional one-time account service fee: N/A
Other terms: according to these tariffs
- One-month payment of interest, the principal is charged at the end of loan maturity period.
- Interest and principal amount are charged on monthly basis
Repayment of overdue liabilities
Loan disbursement method
Updated as of 06.09.2024 10:54