Have you invested your money at Inecobank as a deposit, and now unexpectedly need some money? Just apply for deposit secured loan, and get your loan of up to 95% of your deposit. This is a great opportunity for you to keep your savings intact while you can borrow a loan at a low rate.
Loan calculator
Saving the interests
Apply and get loans or credit lines secured by your deposit at Inecobank, while saving the interest accrued on your savings.
Loan in your preferred currency
By forming a deposit secured loan at Inecobank, you get the opportunity to receive a loan or a credit line up to 90% of your deposit in your preferred currency.
A convenient schedule of payments
While forming a deposit-secured loan, you can choose the most convenient payment method for you: equal monthly installments or free payment schedule. You can pay only the interest charges monthly, while the principal amount can be paid at maturity.
Updated as of 14.08.2024 17:58