Join the account package start
Your confident access to innovative banking services
Account currency
֏ $ € ₽
Current account in AMD
- 5,000 AMD
- 2 000 AMD - in case of payment card order
- free of charge : for account opening with online registration
, in case of making a term deposit in the Bank
For non-resident customers
- 25,000 AMD
- free of charge - in case of opening social package and social insurance accounts
One-time payment for opening current accounts in foreign currency (USD, EUR, RUB)
In case of opening an account via InecoOnline/Mobile electronic systems - free of charge
In case of opening an account in the bank’s branches and in the Head office - 1000 AMD each
Monthly account service fee
Free of charge
Free services included in the package
- InecoOnline/InecoMobile
- Savings account in AMD
Annual interest calculated on the positive balance of the account
Cash deposit to accounts
, EURO- free of charge *
- RUB- The tariff for loan repayment is 0 AMD, for other cases 2%
* "Cash Operations Tariff" defined by this document shall be applicable for transactions in AMD not exceeding 50,000 AMD
Cash withdrawal from accounts
- AMD: 0.2%, but not less than 500 AMD*
- EUR: 1%, but not less than 2 000 AMD*
- USD: 1%, but not less than 2 000 AMD*
- RUB: 0.5%, but not less than 2 000 AMD*
* The tariff is not applied in the following cases:
- In case of cash withdrawal (except for card accounts) deposited during the previous calendar and the current year, if the amount is cashed out in the currency it was deposited
- In case of cash withdrawal paid to the accounts of individuals on behalf of Inecobank CJSC
- In case of deposit/bond amount refund after the expiration of the deposit/bond agreement/application, if the deposit agreement term is more than 3 months, or if the period from the date of concluding the deposit agreement to the early termination of the agreement is not less than 3 months.
- In cases provided by terms of other services provided by the Bank
Intrabank transfers
Free of charge
Interbank transfers in AMD
In case of transfers via InecoOnline/Inecomobile electronic systems- free of charge
In case of transfers in the bank’s branches and the Head office- 200 AMD each
Transfers to budget in AMD
Via InecoOnline/InecoMobile electronic systems- free of charge
- In the bank’s branches and the Head office- 200 AMD each
Interbank transfers in foreign currency (Instruction submitted on paper)
- RUB - 0.1%, minimum 5 000 AMD, maximum 40 000 AMD
- USD- OUR - 0.15% minimum 15 000 AMD, maximum 60 000 AMD
- EURО and other foreign currency
- OUR 0.15%, minimum 9 000 AMD, maximum 60 000 AMD
Interbank transfers in foreign currency (instruction submitted by remote control systems)
A tariff 20% lower for instructions submitted on paper for interbank transfers in foreign currency (including Guaranted OUR, BEN transfers and "Urgent" transfers)
Interbank transfers in foreign currency on the territory of RA(instruction submitted on paper)
- 0.1%, minimum 5 000 AMD, maximum 10 000 AMD
“Urgent” interbank transfers with paper/written payment order (within the same operational day)
- AMD։ 2000 AMD one-time additional fee
- Foreign currency: 5 000 AMD one-time additional fee
Submission of request for execution of payment order, change or cancellation of the payment order
- AMD - 1,500 AMD
RUB - 6,000 AMD
- USD, EURO and other foreign currency - 30,000 AMD
Account closure
Free of charge
Updated as of 30.08.2024 14:25